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14 mar 2013

SELF-PRODUCED DESIGN 01 | Fethi Atakol | Catalogue

ReeDoHub plans and promotes self-production in fashion and design. The Self-produced Design initiative, organized by ReeDoHub at ExpoArea, is a series of personal exhibitions illustrating the state of the art of Reuse Design. The exploration begins with a ‘zero kilometer’ overview, starting from Rimini, Italy, the territory where ReeDoHub was born and operates. The first designer to be 
shown is Fethi Atakol, who since the last ten years has been extracting new forms from recovered objects and materials.
To visit on week ends and group tours please contact: reedo@reedo.it.

Self-produced Design 1 includes a photographic exhibition by Daniele Calisesi, portraying Fethi Atakol at work, and the preview of a Valentino Aricci and Luigi Jorio’s documentary.
On Saturday, April 13 th, Fethi Atakol will also lead a workshop open to anybody who wants to personally try self-production. For more info, please contact reedo@reedo.it
Fethi Atakol will hold a learning workshop on self-production and reuse design at the ExpoArea space. Participation requires a reservation fee of € 30, seats are limited and admittance is on a first come first served basis. 
via Rigardara 37-39
47853 Coriano, Rimini

Workshop Program 
10:00 | The ReeDo Project 
10:20 | Guided tour to the exhibition “Design Autoprodotto 01” (Self Produced Design 01) with Fethi Atakol, who will explain and discuss his works 
Practice and Design
11:00 | The approach to reuse design
12:00 | Beginning of the self-production workshop
13:00 | Lunch Break
14:00 | Back to the workshop 
17:30 | Final debriefing 
18:00 | Conclusion
The workshop language is Italian, but simultaneous translation in English is available. For the people arriving at the Rimini railway station and airport on Saturday 13th pool cars will be organized by the ReeDoHub staff. At the end of the workshop participants will bring with them the object they have realized.

Reference Areas

Art & Design

Services used

Events projects and management for sustainable fashion and design

Design Autoptodotto - press release

CS ENGL - Self produced Design01 webdef_[147445bytes].pdf

Design Autoprodotto - Download the catalogue

DESIGN AUTOPRODOTTO - CATALOGO webdef completo_[2603989bytes].pdf

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