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7 dic 2012

ReeDoCouture @ Matrioska | 7-9 december 2012

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The big mannequins-statues by ReeDoCouture, made out of re-used cardboard, created for the Designing the Sense 2012 workshop, reappeared at Matrioška #2, Rimini 7-9 december 2012, wearing the movie costumes, on the background of the great brick-shutted windows, illuminated by violet lights. The mannequins came out of a work on the human figure seen as a puppet hanged by invisible threads, each of them controlling a part of the body. In this setup, we chose to let the limbs fall in the shape of The Hanged, giving the figure a role suitable to the location's post-urban context. The effect is completely different from the first exhibition, at Rimini IKEA shop, when the bodies were represented in motion, showing that this kind of mannequin may be used for very different setups.

Reference Areas

Reedo Couture
Art & Design

Services used

Re-use clothes and accessories design and realization
Events projects and management for sustainable fashion and design
Art&Design promotion
Art&Design events

Matrioska #2


ReeDo@Matrioska #2

