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About us

ReeDoHub is a cooperative that supports projects in sustainable and self-produced fashion and design, making brain and hands work together, promoting work as an existential value and need. ReeDoHub organizes research and learning workshops, manages spaces for design and production, communication and marketing actions.
We look at fashion and design in the respect of environment and in both fields we produce and follow a re-use and up-cycling approach.
ReeDoHub provides support and consultancy to companies willing to adopt a sustainable communication. A lot of communication still aims at convincing consumers against their interest and to the company's advantage. Yet, market is the place of equal exchange, where two parties acknowledge the matching of their interests. Sustainable communication is, thus, correct and rightful communication, answering the expectations and questions of the persons, and offering a valuable and verifiable knowledge.
We provide creative consulting and support on social media. We follow and promote events and setups of re-use fashion and re-use design for exhibitions, conferences and meetings.
ReeDoHub is a startup that issued from Bologna University, Italy, Rimini Campus.

To know the history of ReeDo project visit reedo.org
Follow our projects of reuse tailoring on reedocouture.com

The ReeDo Team:

Marianna Balducci

Balducci Marianna was born in 1985. She graduated in 2008 in Cultures and Techniques of Costume and Fashion at the University of Bologna. In 2011 she achieved the second level degree in Fashion, at the same University.

email: reedo(;-p)reedo.it
web: http://mariannabalducci.it/

Cristiana Curreli

Curreli Cristiana was born in 1982. In 2008 she acquired a first level degree in Haute couture  at the International Institute of Fashion in Vicenza. In 2008 she achieved the second level degree in Fashion, at the University of Bologna.


email: presidente(;-p)reedo.it
web: http://www.reedocouture.com/

Elio Marini

Elio Marini was born in 1954. In 1979 he graduated in Economy at the University of Bologna.

email: reedo(;-p)reedo.it
web: http://www.oraziodellapenna.com/

Giampaolo Proni

Giampaolo Proni was born in 1955. He teaches semiotics at the University of Bologna, Dept. of Sciences for the Quality of Life, in Rimini (Italy). He invented the workshop Designing the Sense, from which the ReeDo project started.

email: gproni(;-p)gproni.org
web: http://www.gproni.org/

Giulia Ripalti

Giulia Ripalti was born in 1983. She graduated at the University of Bologna. Later she achieved a Master degree as Collection Product Manager at the same University. She took up photography in 2009.

email: amministrazione(;-p)reedo.it

Fabio Testa

Fabio Testa was born in 1977. He's graduated in Cultures and Techniques of Costume and Fashion at the University of Bologna. In 2010 he achieved the second level degree in Fashion, at the same University. He teaches photography at the high school.

email: reedo(;-p)reedo.it
web: http://www.fabiotesta.tumblr.com